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Sense Project

The Sense project is a PermissiveCommons related project, that's focused on building a comprehensive HumanCentricAI Language system.


Sense seeks to be a construct that provides an understanding of the English vocabulary. It should employ a range of structured language datasets and services, particularly employing those that have been produced using RDF.  It should also consume various stem language datasets, both written, oral and pictorial. The model should be able to generate derivative vocabulary models.

Whilst the primary language focus is presently English, the addition of geospatial and temporal provenance information of information that is known about the history of words, phrases and their meanings will require the model to be trained against an array of other language datasets.  

The model should be able to be distributed online using a DLT protocol, such as some form of DHT based method - that may well include the use of GIT or guneco.  it is important that the system is designed to preserve privacy.  how people communicate either in written, typed or spoken form in private circumstances is a private matter; and any social circumstances must employ clearly defined terms.

The system should also be adaptive and generative, perhaps employing a network of models that interoperable perform personal generative processing with both clear declarative and procedural semantics; in addition to clearly labelled inferences.

The model should be able to be trained to be able to be used in a variety of contexts, including but not limited to:

    Dictionary and Spellcheck     Ontology Production     Ontology Reasoning     Search     Database Queries     Database Structures     Content Metadata Generation     Ai Assistants     * API Generation

The docs are located at Sense and presently only provide basic introductory information that relates to the sense project. This is the starting-point for the work on sense. The Webizen DevDocs - but some of that content may end-up being reused as useful notes about the structure of how to produce these sense systems.


Work is underway to produce systems that have been broadly termed Webizen. The dev-docs for webizen also incorporate some information about a related dependency called Permissive Commons. Whilst doing the R&D to implement these systems, the complexities involved in seeking to properly define the AI Enabled Human Centric; Vocabulary systems, and related systems requirements; led me to starting a new documentation site to better structure thoughts, requirements, considerations and all such related notes, facets, deliberations, components, etc..

Basically; its a fairly difficult thing to do well, and it appears that the implications of attempting to do so brings about an array of highly sophistocated challenges. So, i thought it best to write more about it, as i go about doing the work to implement something functional in working software, etc.

I just came-up with the name sense, i thought it was a good name for it. The Ai Agents that are plugged into my systems are constantly telling me that its about a model; when i don't really see it that way, nor do i think that the system for better supporting the employment of language with AI agents - is the same sort of thing like ChatGPT or other systems that are called 'language models', when they appear more to be a form of 'knowledge model'; and often, its not very good with understanding the language it professes to be developed to do.

In anycase;

The purpose of this project is to use advanced, modern techniques to develop a language model that will be firstly focused upon defining to the best of our ability, the english language, in an extensible way; that can then be developed further by others to better support other languages. Languages are fundamentally social things, its a foundational part of how we organise our means to communicate, and is a foundational pillar for how we organise anything socially and in-turn also, an integrally useful artiface associated to and/or weith consciousness, as is able to be processed by observers.

The video by Json Silva about Ontological Design, may usefully simplify the concept.

Now therefore; the objective purpose is to define a system that'll be implemented as (working software); that will in-turn be integrally employed to construct other webizen related systems. Foundationally, these systems support the production of top-level ontology.

Licensing Notes

Until noted otherwise, any original work is presently unlicensed; and contributions are subject to the Webizen Terms as is outlined in that and related linked documents. When this situation is able to be updated and/or changed, these changes will be reflected online.

The Copyright Clause (also known as the Intellectual Property ClauseCopyright and Patent Clause, or the Progress Clause1) describes an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 8).

The clause, which is the basis of intellectual property laws in the United States and specifically copyright and patent laws, states that:2

The United States Congress shall have power To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.

Source: WikiPedia

3rd party works are provided via whatever license applies to those works.

The works done by me are sought to be licensed via a methodology that's basically about supporting human rights. This in-turn requires a means to support LicensingFrameworks (supported by the TheValuesProject and related ValuesCredentials ); to both EndingDigitalSlavery whilst also (consequentially) empowering means to end-up providing licensing in a manner that has an array of express purposes, including but not limited to protecting FreedomofThought without degrading the good purpose of any such forms of agreements.

Until this is better define / resolved My Work is not licensed for any commercial purposes; and, all rights are reserved. This is not intended to be contrary to the interests of Human Centric Digital Identity or in-turn also HumanCentricAI rather; that i note, i've been subjected to alot of very hostile (bad) actors, often they've suggested they've been 'doing it all already' - yet here we are, some 22+ years down the track and nope, the means to support the human rights of ordinary persons to make use of their information to support their rights, to support peace; its not been delivered by any such persons anywhere on earth.

Hopefully, an option for those who seek something like this, may be brought about; but it won't be made able to work properly (ie: #RealityCheckTech ) unless its done in a manner that addresses the sorts of issues described by the SafetyProtocols notes, etc..

For more information on the work being done to achieve this, please note the Webizen Dev Docs and related project.

As noted; if you'd like any further clarification let me know.

The community work on the Sense project will be brought into the CommunityChannels.

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Last updated on 2/9/2023