You Must Be Famous!!!
This topic, refers to issues that link Privacy, Dignity to other human rights and related broader Values related considerations.
There should be no unreasonable requirement for persons to become public property and/or 'famous' as a predicate or requirement put upon them to be furnished rights.
These attack vectors are commonly associated with KnowledgeWork related issues. It can be the case where external actors seek to engender controls by either or both, exploiting persons who are not well known publically; or, defining persons via media and publically otherwise or claiming that they are not suited to that form of approach, which is in-turn employed for various activities related to CommercialExploitation.
Whilst there is a distinction between the importance of ensuring Accountability and Responsibility, this does not necessarily require a person to be made publically known for the field of endevour and/or work that is implicitly considered valuable enough; to warrant any such form of attack vector thereafter being employed, by others.
Agency & Choice
The choice to form and define ones self within the public domain invokes a series of implications that can often be a mixed blessing. some remark that the nature of the situation leads to persons being considered by others a form of public property.
In other circumstances, the nature of the endevour may be of a kind that relates to personal and private matters that may have invoked the underlying motivation of the person to do work that may address any such form of 'issue' (social, economic, etc.) but that the intended outcome wasn't about being publically 'owned' via media; but rather, an effort that sought / set-out to address an underlying problem, that would generally at the stage that this sort of attack vector becomes a problem - is garnishing support.
The choice, whilst best sought to be informed - which is to some-degree outside of the scope of these projects; should be held by the person whom any such decision relates.
A persons rights and obligations should not be predicated upon whether or not they are 'famous'. Conversely also, those who are famous, should not be required to declare themselves in-order to be treated with respect and dignity; which is sometimes better found in circumstances where they are not required to expose who exactly they are.
Solutions matrix
These sorts of problems and the solutions that are able to attend to them, are also closely related to the problem / solution matrix relating to DeepFakes & Fraud.
Therein, there are a variety of ecosystem considerations that have been loosely considered in relation to furnishing means to consider these factors as part of the broader objective of seeking to support human dignity.