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The Projects folder contains some information about existing projects that are being undertaken or considered or have simply been fortunate enough to be added to the documentation at this stage; as i go about setting up the documentation website.

The Founder of this site is also undertaking an array of works that relate to this field, but are presently defined as being independent. In particular, this includes the works on the Webizen AI Ecosystem which incorporates works to produce what has been called Permissive Commons. As the Webizen AI systems are unlicensed at this stage, the development of this HumanCentricAI web civics initiative seemed like a usefully positive idea.

There are a few shared objectives that exist, and have therefore been added to the projects folder.

The First is a project that was started now sometime ago; that was simply seeking to create some materials to support communicators who are looking to talk about ArtificialMinds and in-turn support considerations and deliberations about what it is the group seeks to achieve.

The Second, is an initiative to look at AgentLabelling with a view to seeking to produce a set of methods, specifications and marks that support the means for willing operators to support the idea of seeking to ensure that observers / consumers / users, are able to be made aware of when and how AI is playing some sort of role in their observations and/or experiences; both online and offline.

The Third is a project that's led by a W3C CG to produce an open-standard for CognitiveAI.

The Fourth is about the production of SafetyProtocols that are designed to support ValuesCredentials related rights and principals, and in-turn address SocialAttackVectors.

One of those issues that is of particular importance in my mind, is to ensure that works are defined as to make progress towards EndingDigitalSlavery and one of the aspects related to achieving progress in that area is in-turn the WorkProject.


The creation of this community engagement initiative is in-turn also a fairly significant undertaking in and on its own. As such, note the WebCivicsCharter and connect via one of the channels provided if you think its something that you might be interested in supporting.

Do You Want to Get Involved?

We're just starting to invest more into this initiative, if you're interested in getting involved please checkout the WebCivicsCharter which will in-turn provide the links to the community sites.

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Last updated on 2/9/2023