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Science of Consciousness

Introductory Remarks

After many years of work; i have recently found myself involved with a group of luminary minds from around the world who are engaged in an activity that is focused upon The Science of Consciousness. Those involved, have extrodinary skills and expertise in a variety of areas, which are in-turn associated with roles of significance internationally via various venues.

It is my hope that members of this group may usefully contribute when it is appropriate to do so. in the meantime, this document will seek to provide some relatively basic information.

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Q: How would you define the science of consiousness?

The science of consciousness is the study of the nature of consciousness, or the subjective experience of being aware of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is a multidisciplinary field that draws on research and theories from a range of fields, including psychology, neuroscience, philosophy, and computer science.

In the science of consciousness, researchers aim to understand the neural basis of consciousness, the relationship between the brain and consciousness, and the ways in which consciousness arises and evolves. They also study the various forms of consciousness that exist, such as wakefulness, sleep, and altered states of consciousness, and the ways in which consciousness can be altered or influenced by external factors.

The science of consciousness is a complex and difficult field, and there is still much that is not understood about the nature of consciousness. However, advances in neuroscience and other fields have led to a greater understanding of the neural basis of consciousness, and researchers continue to make progress in understanding the nature of this elusive and fundamental aspect of human experience.

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Last updated on 2/9/2023